
Gambling Pokemon and Linear Algebra

GREG and BEN are in a lecture room, facing the whiteboard. GREG is intensely taking notes on paper while BEN is intensely focused on his laptop.
GREG: Why can’t you focus, at least for one class? It’s so hard to focus with constant shooting jizz all over your screen right now.
BEN: You’re the one that said jizz, not me.
GREG: Excuse me for that. Greg continues to stare at Professor Graham. Ben does a double-take at both of them.
BEN: Ugh, gross Greg! Sorry, but it’s never going to happen. Professor Graham is married. With a WIFE. Greg ignores Ben’s comment.
BEN: And no, there’s no constant jizzing happening on my screen, it’s the XP I’m gaining. They just shoot off white. I’m sorry, do you want me to just not be winning?
GREG: No, I’m actually very happy you’re winning. Like when I was happy you were winning in the dorm twenty minutes ago. Or when you were winning on your phone when we were walking to this class. I’m just not happy when it’s in the middle of our linear algebra lecture!
BEN: Grow a pair, the midterm isn’t for another 2 weeks.
GREG: Do you think I should stop by during office hours?
BEN: For Professor Graham’s sake? No. I wouldn’t want him to have to file a Title IX on you. Man’s already got enough paperwork.
GREG: Yeah, not including your homework. Or should I say, lack of it.
BEN: Bite me, Gregory.
GREG: Gladly. Greg purrs. Ben rolls his eyes. Ben refocuses on his laptop.
BEN: Shit, do I hit or not? I’m at 16.
GREG: I don’t know, I’m trying to understand the problem on the board..
Ben looks up.
BEN: A, B, C, D…..
GREG: Thanks, genius. I already know those are the answer choices.
BEN: No, look.
Greg looks at Ben’s computer. There are four choices. A) Bet 2) Hit 3) Stay 4) Fold
GREG: These aren’t even the real rules to Black Jack…
BEN: It’s Pokemon BlackJack. Anyway, answer the problem on the board and let me know what you get.
GREG: (gleefully) Okay!… I got B.
BEN: Okay.
Ben clicks on B. Ben gets a Black Jack.
BEN: Holy fuck!
GREG: That was pure coincidence.
BEN: No, you’re a genius!
GREG: Professor Graham is a genius. He was the one who made the problem for me to solve so well! And the one who also taught me to solve the problem, that he then made so well.
BEN: I should go and thank him myself. Thanks to your linear algebra lectures, it has influenced the confidence I’ve gained in taking risks, at the dealer’s table.
GREG: At least you’re having fun now.
BEN: Alright, the next one is coming up. How much should I go in?
Ben and Greg look up at the board together. The professor has written number #6.
BEN: Alright, 600 dollars.
GREG: Wait, is this real money?
BEN: Hell yeah it is, I don’t play for fun.
GREG: Why wouldn’t you? This is a math lecture, this is just supposed to be goofing off.
BEN: Sure, it is. 600 dollars is goofy money.
ANNA: Pssttttttt
BEN: Oh god, what do you want Anna?
ANNA: I see what you’re doing. And I’m going to tell Professor Graham-
GREG: Oh god no!! BEN: Bet
ANNA: Unless… you cut me in on a deal. I can solve these problems twice as fast as old Greg, here. Get your decisions in quicker.
BEN: Hell no, witch.
ANNA: Alright, then fine! Professor Graham!
BEN: finefinefinejustputyourhanddown
GRAHAM: Yes, Anna?
ANNA: Is the answer the input?
GRAHAM: No Anna, the answer is going to be the output.
ANNA: Okay, but wouldn’t you say that going INPUT is a lot more important in this problem than others?
GRAHAM: Perhaps….
GREG: Dude, I think she’s trying to tell you to go more in.
BEN: What does Professor Graham say…
GRAHAM: It’s a clever observation you have, Anna…
GREG: He said a clever observation… God, why doesn’t he ever talk to me like that?
BEN: Alright, 700 it is.
Ben waits to see his cards. It’s another blackjack.