How to Learn Coding While Watching Movies

Blending work with entertainment is a way to kill two birds with one stone! This post is curated for those that want to work in data + entertainment in the future. Keep reading for these tips, coming from a Disney intern themselves.

To stand out to companies like Netflix, HBO, Hulu, or Disney, you want to not only have the necessary skills in coding and data but a movie-focus within your resume. Netflix and Disney are very pertinent on a prospective employee’s culture fit.

Understanding the Concept

Passive Learning

Movie Breaks There is one YouTube video that details the Anime Pomodoro “Animedoro”. It’s a great method to being able to do your work for long amounts of time without being burnt out.

Non-coding but movie focused activities I, always try to write for this film blog at least once a week, published or not. Enhancing ones’ soft skills (writing, analyzing) is important since one’s strongest asset in an interview (all my interviews for DHS, CIA, Disney, Wells Fargo were behavioral!) To learn more about how I landed a Disney and Wells Fargo offer the same week, click here.

Data Mining

Data mining ==is the process of discovering patterns, trends, correlations, or insights from large sets of unstructured or structured data.== The end goal is to extract useful information and knowledge and make data-driven decisions. Unstructured data can come from video format, blocks of words, images, which when applying topics like machine learning, prediction models, can result in contributions to the community.

Unstructured data from movies Unstructured data means data that is uncleaned, not in data table format and very raw.

Questions to Answer by Movies

  • A movie’s bechdel test aligns with a few requirements. Possible solutions to answering this question is by analyzing the script and classifying characters by gender and seeing the total number of lines they have.
  • Movies have this special element of grounding viewers to whatever time it’s created. It’s reflected in the script, the actors, the story (at least good movies will make an effort to reflect its current time period and issues). For instance, I watched the Wolf of Wall Street where that inspired me to make a Financial News Bias Detector

Real-World Applications

The benefits of watching movies with a goal going into them (analyzing, coding) is that it mimics how programmers and data scientists execute projects in their jobs– creating questions and addressing issues to then apply methods of solutions. There’s active learning being performed as you continue to implement coding to answer questions that are inspired by entertainment or the world you see.