Play 1-05

A Very Sweet Interaction Between a Mother and Daughter

Mom, I need to tell you something.
Your tea is getting cold.
I know, I just. I need you to know what I did today…. And that I’m glad I did it, and there’s no way I’d take it back, even if I could.
Yes darling, what is it?
Mom, I told the agent I didn’t write the play.
I know the hoops you went through to have that play picked up but… I needed to do it. For me.
….What did the agent say?
He canceled the production. But Mom, it was eating me up inside. Even if it did go on, I still couldn’t have accepted it.
I couldn’t live knowing, that someone else, out there, was waiting for their shot… and I had mine wrapped in a napkin, and passed underneath a dinner table.
Mom, please say something.
…You boast to yourself about how self-righteous are you, how moral you are….. But this is what you need to realize- the world eats people like you up. Cowards. Spine-less cowards that confess to every lie you’ve told while seemingly not understanding that the world is too impatient to listen to them. That behaving is the conscious choice while pretending is the natural one because it’s how you survive out here. The girl that cries wolf on herself will echo throughout the Hollywood Hills, and no one will come to your rescue… but instead move up a rung on the self-serving ladder that is fame…. You’re an opportunist. You seek and destroy those who have gifted you their form of humanity. Their humanity of allowing you life on stage under the spotlight, all while you not understanding that your mother is yelling at the stage manager to hold that very spotlight fucking steady. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that you’re going to end up terribly alone, and there is nothing that can derail you from this destiny.

Thoughts: NOT BASED ON REAL LIFE AT ALL! This was an archive that I breathed new life into… can’t believe that I wrote this evil villain monologue and totally forgot about it.