Play 1-22

Are you scared of old age?
No. I’ll be rich by then.

SHE: Sorry, but I’d rather live in a New York Penthouse.
HE: With someone that needs a sleep mask and humidifier every night, you want to choose the City that Never Sleeps.
SHE: New York has Broadway too.
HE: You can just fly in on a private jet to work. I bet it’s less noisy to sleep on a jet anyway.
SHE: Don’t worry, I’ll follow wherever you go anyway. You know that.
He takes an eager bite of his steak.
HE: How many vacation days do you plan on taking in a fiscal year when we’re rich?
SHE: Can I answer in terms of months?
HE: (laughs) That’s what I like to hear.
SHE: The entire summer off then. I prefer to get holed up only when I’m forced to.
HE: But Christmas?
SHE: Makes for more torture. I’ll get more done that way.
She takes an eager bite of her steak.
SHE: Are you scared of old age?
HE: No. I’ll be rich by then.
SHE: We daydream a lot.
HE: Yes, we do.
SHE: You used to not do that. You used to be so much moreā€¦ straightforward. Logical-
HE: A grump.
SHE: -Until you met me.
HE: You’re a writer, you write lives. I like when you write ours.
SHE: I’m a fiction writer. I write what isn’t true. (beat) I’m scared we only get along from this habit of ours.
HE: No, we get along cause we want the same things in life.
SHE: What if we never get those things in life?
HE: So? We will still get along.
SHE: Get along. Yeah, we get along so well that we still love each other 5 years,10 years down the line. But will we like each other anymore? Imagine if we don’t get our way, for once. The commercial banker never gets to see the inside of a New York penthouse, a writer whose written everything except for an autograph, both being parents at age 30 because we were bored of our 20s, diners that do have to think about the bill.
He gasps as he stares at his steak.
SHE: When we talk about our future together, maybe that’s what keeps us feeling alive about it. But what happens if we no longer get to fantasize but instead LIVE in that future. And that future is drab. And we slowly start to resent each other for it. What then?
He contemplates.
HE: (beat) A future that I’m so eager to talk about every day with you, is a good enough present for me.