Play 12-19


STREAMER: male, early twenties, frosted tips
WATCHER: male, early thirties
BROTHER: male, teens

On two sides of the stage, STREAMER is on the right while WATCHER is on the left and are both facing the audience. STREAMER is sitting on a gaming chair behind a computer desk. There is livestream equipment (microphone, speakers, touchpads) surrounding him. WATCHER is in bed with the laptop on his lap.

STREAMER: Hey, what’s up Boba Pham! It’s the last day of the NONSTOP challenge, day 99 and I’m ready to hit that million donor mark today!
WATCHER: Woohoo!
STREAMER: And remember, once we hit 12am today, that is IT! Not a minute over for day 100 since that will also be the day of SLEEP for me! 998 HOURS AND COUNTING! Those that have been here since the beginning, you guys represent what the Boba PHAM IS ALL ABOUT! Hope y’all have been able to touch some grass in between streams for me, since I’m greatly depleted of my own vitamin D- no homo, of course. TIME CHECK: 10:18pm right now.
WATCHER: Time check here, 2:18am.
STREAMER: So, let me give you the anime recap: yesterday, I got caught up (unfortunately) and ended the stream with our total being… 558k… but, let’s not get caught up on the numbers now, we’re here to have some FUN!
STREAMER: So I’m sure that you all know how this little graph in the corner works by now, but for those that are new here… which geez, y’all had 98 days to catch up, and I’ll be sad to see you guys go in the next two hours. But here is what I call the “Do it for the Vine” and Dine segment! It’s where I do donation dares WHILE eating my dinner which today, are cheesesteaks.
WATCHER holds up his peanut butter sandwich.
WATCHER: I’m right there with you.
STREAMER: Here is a graph that shows what each donated amount can get me to do. For $10, I will do ten push ups. For $20, I will tell you an embarrassing story of mine. It sounds pretty prostitutiony, but trust me- I’ve been doing this for almost 1,000 hours now. Some rule out there would constitute me as an expert.
BROTHER enters the room.
BROTHER: Hey Tran, could you quiet down there? I’m trying to study here.
STREAMER: Sorry about that, Aaron. Say, do you want to say hi to the stream?
BROTHER exits the room.
STREAMER: Don’t mind him, Boba Pham. Little bro Aaron can be such a nerd, sometimes. I’m just here, minding my own business, trying to get my bread up, and he’s hollering at me when I’m working. He doesn’t know the upkeep it takes to run the Boba Pham FULL-TIME! I’m sure you sitting at home have a lot better things to do than study Calculus 1.
WATCHER (typing on keyboard): Fs.
STREAMER: Let’s see this chat start pouring in…. McJuggernauts asks, “does your brother annoy you?” OH, a WHOLE LOT! Man, anyone in this chat is lucky if they don’t have brothers. Mine constantly comes in and barges in whenever he likes.
WATCHER types on keyboard.
STREAMER: Kitten_guy42 says, “$30 for an embarrassing story about your brother” Let’s see, I honestly don’t have to rack my brain hard to get one of those out… Yes, I’ve got one. Well, just the other day, he called me to say that he forgot his card at the bar the other night and asked me to get it because he couldn’t Uber back to grab it. I had to hop off the stream yesterday EARLY and not reach my donor goal because of HIS mistake!
WATCHER (typing on keyboard): Bro deserves an L for that.
STREAMER: Right?! I mean, if you can’t handle your liquor little bro, then maybe don’t try to impress ladies at the club that you can buy their bottles for the night and forget your card there! As a matter of fact, here it is now!
STREAMER (holds up brother’s credit card): Watch how my brother gets a kick out of this when y’all max his credit card out HAHA! Send me $50 dollars and I’ll even read the three numbers from the back
WATCHER types on keyboard.
STREAMER: Damn, y’all are out for blood in this bitch. Well, it isn’t his debit, so no harm no foul. Alright the back reads… and make sure to write it down cause I’m not going to repeat myself again… thre-on-ix. THERE! That’s ALL YOU GET!
WATCHER (typing on keyboard): Clipped that shit so fast, pm me for the vod.
STREAMER: I see a ten! Alright, let me angle the camera down here so that you guys can see these macho pushups. See what Mr. Boba is really made of, huh?
STREAMER angles webcam down and gets down on the ground to start doing pushups. Then starts doing them while counting to ten. Afterwards, STREAMER sits back up.
STREAMER: Oh, what was behind me? Oh, that’s not something you were really supposed to see… It’s my shotgun. I keep it there in case anything bad were to happen.
WATCHER types on keyboard.
STREAMER: Alright, $5 for asking a personal question. You’ve got it, Kitten_guy42. “Tell us a story about your childhood.”
STREAMER: Damn, alright. You’re tuning into the Emotional Hour with Tran Pham, I’ll let y’all know the ins and outs of what’s it’s like to be Mr. Boba. Okay, let me look around here.
STREAMER: For starters, hi. I’m Tran Pham and I live somewhere in the Northeastern part of the great ol’ United States. Brother’s first gen, and I would have been too if I didn’t drop out. But don’t worry, we both got big dreams. He’s studying to become a doctor, and I’m setting out to be the first millionaire, non-first-gen, Viet streamer who will have done the most hours on Twitch within a consecutive 100 days.
WATCHER types on keyboard.
STREAMER: How very social worker of you to ask, Kitten_guy42. Are you with the feds? Haha, I’m kidding. No, it’s just my brother and I in this apartment.
WATCHER types on keyboard.
STREAMER: Mom died when she gave birth to my brother, I was 4 years old. Don’t remember much. But my dad on the other hand, he abandoned us when we were 12. And I remember it so well.
STREAMER: They call them lightbulb memories. It’s a memory that should be so insignificant within the span of time it took, but it really isn’t at the same time. One where you can use all five senses for. This memory is short and sweet. About 15 seconds. But when I’m in it, shit, it feels like it could go on for eons.
WATCHER takes a bite of his peanut butter sandwich.
STREAMER: My brother and I were at our cousin’s house. We were watching the Sprouts Network. It’s a nice kids network. The Backyardigans and Ni-Hao Kai-Lan, all that cutesy shit. The shit that makes you forget that you don’t have a mom.
WATCHER (typing on keyboard): <3
STREAMER: My aunt came up to me. I would be the first to hear, I was the oldest. And she told me, “Bố sẽ không quay lại.” Dad’s not coming back. In that moment, I was watching an episode of Ni-Hao Kai-Lan. Kai-Lan was baking a cake for her friend’s birthday party. She had just discovered that the gentlest part about baking is handling the eggs. She had already cracked two from just pure excitement.
I was then reminded on how just last night, my father had come home with my favourite banh mi from the market. And with such excitement, I told him I loved him!
I watched on as Kai-Lan didn’t learn her lesson and cracked the third egg.
She was the girl that broke what she loved. I was the boy that scared off who I loved.
WATCHER (typing on keyboard): Hey Tran, if you ever need someone to talk to- I’m here. <3
STREAMER: I’m seeing some support in the chat, thanks you guys. As well as the extra donos for support, y’all really are my pham. Haha. Hope that wasn’t too much.
WATCHER (typing on keyboard): Feeling sleepy, gonna sign off soon. Happy early 100 days of NONSTOP, bro. You’re killing it! Viet represent!
STREAMER: Night, Kitten_guy42! And to the rest of you guys that are also signing off, see you guys again after this weekend cause I’m hibernating for the next three days after this LOL! TIME CHECK: 11:29pm. So closeeeee! DONO CHECK: 560k.
WATCHER shuts off laptop and falls asleep.
Anonymous $1000 donation comes on screen with message.
STREAMER: “Kill yourself with that shotgun, and I’ll donate 500k. Think about your brother.” Woah.. not cool. I’m gonna have to report-
Anonymous $5,000 donation comes on screen with message.
STREAMER: “You’ve streamed for 100 days straight to just reject a deal that’s gonna get you to your goal, that you’re barely halfway towards? You’re pathetic. No wonder your dad abandoned you.”
STREAMER: Hey Boba Pham, I didn’t tell that story just for you guys to use it against me. That’s not cool.
Anonymous $100000 donation comes on screen with message.
STREAMER: Woah. 100,000 dollars. “Still think I’m joking, bitch? Your offer is time sensitive, just letting you know.”
STREAMER: 400,000 dollars more. 500,000 dollars. 1 million dollars all. It’s what I’ve been working towards for these 100 days, my entire fucking life. This entire fucking sad life of mine would actually amount to something at the end. I’d make my mom proud. I’d make my dad feel stupid. I’d be able to pay off Aaron’s college. All I’d have to do is die. And everyone who mattered would be happy, and everyone who didn’t matter would wish they did. Yeah, Aaron would be the one to find me. He would freak out. But after that initial freak out, he wouldn’t be scared anymore. He wouldn’t have to worry about putting food on the table. Paying off the apartment. He wouldn’t end up a deadbeat like me. He’d be the one to represent the Phams.
STREAMER: THE BOBA PHAM! YOU GUYS! You’d be proud too! We’ll be able to see our names in lights. As the fastest growing Twitch community of all time, our first 100 days online leading to the fastest 1 million dollars ever gained on the platform! They would have to create a new Twitch plaque for us! Okay, okay… I’ll do it, Anon. For my brother. Just like you asked.
STREAMER slowly pulls shotgun from under his bed.
STREAMER chuckles.
STREAMER: I could be known as the boy who lived… chronically online.
STREAMER shoots himself with the shotgun.
Anonymous $40000 donation comes on screen.
BROTHER comes walking in.
BROTHER: Tran, why did I just get a call from my bank saying that someone tried to take 500k off my credit card on Twitch- OH MY GOD