Play 12-21

Totally Not a Real Argument That Had Been Had.

I wonder why you have to be so sad all the time.
I didn’t realize that it was showing.
How could it not be showing? Your head’s been looking down at your feet ever since I picked you up. You make me feel so bad about myself sometimes.
Why so?
Because you-
You, you, you.
Yes, YOU! You never worry about yourself long enough for me to have to worry about me.
Sorry that I’m such a burden to you.
I wish you’d allow yourself to be a burden to yourself first. Life isn’t about being a vapor in space and time. It’s about acknowledging that you take it up and then not making everyone else around you, regret it.
I think we should break up.
I think so too.
Do you think we will be better this way?
Well, I’m scared to be alone.
And the winner is…
Don’t joke, it’s a serious moment right now.
I wish you knew what I was thinking right now. Words don’t feel right here.
Maybe I will, someday.
Do you have any wishes?
None at the moment.
Do you think this conversation will have a true end?
No. I think I’ll revisit this one often.
Even if there isn’t anything extraordinary to say about it?
To hell with extraordinary. This is what I’m feeling and saying at the moment.
But if anyone could publish what anyone felt like saying, that they didn’t feel was extraordinary, then what’s the point?
Maybe just don’t be such a critic. Sometimes just making some mediocre shit can show that the world still works and you’re still human.
Do you visit a lot of moments with us?
Yes. So much so that it feels like another life I’m living. One that’s here, and another one that’s like driving at 4 am. Where it’s a little foggy from the morning dew.
Do you get scared?
Yes, a little bit. But you know where you need to go, and you just go.
A year from now, I won’t be able to remember what your voice sounds like. Everything I remember about you will only be a narration.
But don’t worry, I’ll still hear your music or read your books or watch your movies. Even if I don’t remember you who recommended them to me. They don’t change, they don’t ever change.
That’s a little comforting. Maybe you don’t need to really remember me.
When you say that, it makes me uncomfortable. As if people could really be reduced to that.
Sorry. I won’t reduce myself to that.
Okay. I’ll see you in another life.
In another life.